
Welcome on board the TTC!

We are grateful that you are honoring yourSelf by embarking on this transformative journey.

Occasionally we start our sessions off by joining with a beautiful prayer that allows us to drop from the head into the heart. Let us begin this journey together in prayer:

(Audio version)


Heal my mind.

I give You this year with those whom you have chosen to walk with me.

I Receive the means through which to awaken from this dream.

Thank you for bringing this amazing, holy Teaching of a Course in Miracles to me.

I lay all my beliefs of guilt and fear at your feet. I desire only the Truth.

Thank You for merciful correction!

Wake me up, Lord of Life!

Now, let’s take an inside peek into what awaits us. For starters, this is a Course in MIRACLES! So, naturally, we’ll be expecting miracles!!! And lots of them!!!

Since ‘God is our goal, and forgiveness is the means by which our minds return to Him’ (W-256.1:9), true forgiveness, as defined by the Course, will be at the heart of our practice. 

Throughout this entire year together, we will join with the Holy Spirit to experience the unfolding of such miracles as we examine each of the ego thought system’s biggest and most defended idols, and let them go via forgiveness. We invite you to keep a ‘Miracle Journal’, and to share some of those miracles with your TTC Family. 

Many resources will be at your disposal in each session along with suggested “integration practices”. We encourage you to set aside time to actively look into these practices as they will support you in moving from theory and concepts, to practical application in your daily life. It is not enough to simply learn these principles but to actively embody them as we become the Light of the world!

A powerful aspect of this curriculum is that each of you will have the opportunity to connect with one or more “miracle buddies” to share this journey with. Through the joinings and practice of the 7 Keys of Authentic Communication, you will undoubtedly strengthen your understanding by sharing your learning and reviewing the integration practices together.

Your presence in the sessions along with your openness sets the stage to create a welcoming and safe space for all to drop the ego’s defenses and truly join heart to heart. Within that space, we listen deeply, with true compassion, without judgment, knowing that what one shares benefits the entire group. We’ll often recognize ourselves in what another is sharing, and we’ll receive the clarity and answer we were looking for. It won’t be necessary to go into our detailed stories, but rather extend the in-sight-full fruits that we’ve received. We call on the Holy Spirit to show us and guide our expression in what is called forth for sharing. 

Together, we will learn and practice authentic communication with one another through the ‘seven keys’ which were divinely inspired and transmitted through Nouk and Daniel. In A Manual for Holy Relationship, Nouk extends this message to us: “Consistent practice with the Seven Keys will bring us to the place of really knowing our true Identity as Love. Through heartfelt, authentic communication the seeming gap between our self and others, and between our self and God, is finally closed.”

The seven keys will be the bedrock of our communication together throughout the year, practicing with our miracle buddies, and extending out to those with whom we interact in our daily lives.

At times, the ego’s cage gets rattled and the ‘tiny me-self’ feels threatened. We accept that it is part of the ‘undoing’ of the false beliefs we’ve been entertaining about ourselves, our brothers, and about God. 

We allow what arises to be seen in the Light, knowing that the Light dispels darkness, as stated in this passage: “The quiet light in which the Holy Spirit dwells within you is merely perfect openness, in which nothing is hidden and therefore nothing is fearful. Attack will always yield to love if it is brought to love, not hidden from it. There is no darkness that the light of love will not dispel, unless it is concealed from love’s beneficence.” (T-14.VI.2:1-3)

From all of us at Take Me to Truth, we warmly welcome you and thank you with infinite gratitude for your willingness to serve in the awakening of the Sonship. 

Preliminary Checklist:

  1. Are you able to access the Academy and specifically your account in order to receive the weekly materials?
  2. Do you have a journal handy to begin keeping notes of what you learn in the live sharing as well as questions that arise? 
  3. Have you joined with the Holy Spirit and invited Him to be with you during this journey of transformation, asking Him to guide and reveal to you what you need to see and undo through forgiveness? 

Complete and Continue  