Conscious Parenting
A Workshop
by donation
Started Sunday March 2, 2025 9 a.m. MDT (UTC 15:00)
This offering is Spirit-led, and we trust that it will continue weekly until there is a general sense and feeling that we are complete.
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Conscious Parenting - A Workshop
Every “mythical me” (ego) is molded and conditioned by its primary, special relationship with its parent(s) or primary caretaker. The ego’s intricate and heavily fortified veil is formed due to these unhealed relationships, which influence all subsequent thoughts, decisions, and adult relationships. It is obvious then that this dynamic within the dream of separation must be examined together with the Holy Spirit, self-forgiveness applied, and all relationships repurposed with Him.
We invite you to attend this workshop presented by Coreen Walson, during which we will consider what Jesus says about parenting in A Course in Miracles. Coreen is not new to parenting. Like so many of us, she has made many parenting mistakes herself. Now, she is thankful for having made these mistakes because once she recognized them and truly forgave them, they became divinely repurposed by Holy Spirit.
We will discuss what Conscious or True Parenting is in distinction to the world view of parenting. We will exhume together what we need to see and forgive and how to heal our relationships with our parents and children by repurposing them with Holy Spirit. Self-examination through inquiry plus inspired sharing of ideas and insights will be integral to this workshop.
This workshop is open to everyone as it pertains to our relationships with our parents, those who have children, or step children, or to those who have no children. Jesus addresses these brothers as well. In other words, this workshop is for everyone!
We offer this all based on donations. Everyone is warmly welcome!
Class Fee Policy:
Everything that Take Me to Truth offers is given freely to all. There is a practical need to cover our operating costs and each facilitator is deeply grateful for your symbols of gratitude for their time in assisting in the assimilation of these teachings. We ask that if you are able, please make a donation commensurate to the blessing you feel you receive from your participation in them. No one is turned away because of their inability to donate.