Welcome to ACIM Daily Lesson Reflections 2025

by donation

We are excited to have you.

You may join the sessions live in the Zoom room and/or you can view the replay videos. (Evening sessions are recorded.)


7:00 am MDT (USA/Canada)

13:00 UTC

and / or

7:00 pm (19:00) MDT (USA/Canada)

01:00 next day UTC

Started January 1, 2025

Time Zone Converter Link:



Join us at 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM MST as we read and lightly unpack the daily Workbook lessons followed by a joining with the intention of receiving the transmission from the passage and emphasizing the experiential felt state of I Am with live participants.

Along with the incredibly helpful daily lesson unpacking with Nouk and Coreen on YouTube, we highly recommend you honor your Self with a quiet space to join with the idea for the day in your daily Workbook Lesson.

The Workbook Lessons give each of us such an incredible opportunity to get still, to join, and to listen to our Inner Teacher, the Holy Spirit. We will receive direct insights that are meant for each of us to support the mind training that will undo the false self-concepts that are in the way of Truth, in the way of the Presence of the Christ I Am.

Directly following the morning reading and joining we will be reading from the Text using the Sparkly edition. 


Class Fee Policy:

Everything that Take Me to Truth offers is given freely to all.

There is a practical need to cover our operating costs and each facilitator is deeply grateful for your symbols of gratitude for their time in assisting in the assimilation of these teachings.  

We ask that if you are able, please make a donation commensurate to the blessing you feel you receive from your participation in them.  

No one is turned away because of their inability to donate.  

We welcome you to the TMTT family, whether you donate or not.

Please note, your donation does not automatically enroll you in the offering. Please return to this page to enroll after you have made your donation. Thank you.


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