Book Study w/Coreen

The Art of Spiritual Healing

by Joel Goldsmith

Please join us as we dive into Joel Goldsmith's writings.

Meets Sundays

3:00 pm (15:00) MDT (USA/Canada)

21:00 UTC

By donation

Please join us on the start date or after the start date. When you arrive does not matter. What matters is that you do arrive!

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About Joel S. Goldsmith

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964) was a renowned spiritual teacher, author, healer, and mystic, and the revelator of The Infinite Way message, which he taught around the world.

Joel gained recognition in 1947 with the publication of his book The Infinite Way.  It reveals the healing principles and the spiritual unfoldments that came to him after thirty years of study and meditation. Joel was literate in Greek, Aramaic, and Sanskrit, and he studied original scriptures. He recognized that Scripture presents specific spiritual principles that an individual can study to raise spiritual consciousness and receive illumination.

Joel lectured throughout the world on spiritual living and mysticism. He went only where he was invited, and he never advertised. Joel said that often the spiritual impartations that came through in a class were as new to him as they were to the students.

In 1950, students asked Joel to audio record his lectures. He agreed, and from then on, his classes were recorded on tape. It is an extraordinary gift that the original audio recordings for more than 1250 of his classes have been preserved, making it possible for students today to study with this spiritual master. The recorded classes have provided source material for his books as well.

Even as he taught and authored books, Joel continued his healing and practitioner work, which demonstrated the spiritual principles of this message.

Joel’s teaching has been a source of inspiration worldwide and has helped millions. Students on six continents continue to study his message.

Joel made his transition quietly on June 17, 1964.


Hi, I'm Coreen. Please click on my image to learn more about me.


Class Fee Policy:

Everything that Take Me to Truth offers is given freely to all. There is a practical need to cover our operating costs and each facilitator is deeply grateful for your symbols of gratitude for their time in assisting in the assimilation of these teachings.  We ask that if you are able, please make a donation commensurate to the blessing you feel you receive from your participation in them.  No one is turned away because of their inability to donate.  
