Journaling with your Inner Guide
with Barbara Goodman Siegel
By donation
The final live session was December 17, 2024
Please enroll to watch/listen to the replay sessions.
We all have an Inner Guide. What happens for many of us is that the ego fills our mind with fearful chatter and that fear drowns out the voice of our Inner Guide. A Course in Miracles says: “The ego speaks first and the ego speaks loudest.” Our Inner Guide answers from a much deeper, quieter place. It answers from love and gives the answer that is to our highest and best good.
I would like to invite you to join me for what I have found to be a unique and highly successful way of allowing the Inner Guide to be heard. By using a combination of an interactive guided meditation (originally developed by Pathways of Light) and journaling, I will help you look at the thoughts that hold you back and then lead you beyond them to hear the voice of your own Inner Guide.
As one who has journaled for decades, I have found that what comes out organically as I journal never comes out as I just sit and try to “think” the answer. I look back at my many filled journals and am in awe of the wisdom I was given.
I can’t express how excited I am to bring this journaling opportunity to all who are interested. This will be an on-going weekly group which can be joined at any time. I believe that journaling to hear your Inner Guide is a practice and like other practices, the way to strengthen it is to do it consistently. I hope this class will give you that opportunity.
With love and blessings,
Class Fee Policy:
Everything that Take Me to Truth offers is given freely to all. There is a practical need to cover our operating costs and each facilitator is deeply grateful for your symbols of gratitude for their time in assisting in the assimilation of these teachings. We ask that if you are able, please make a donation commensurate to the blessing you feel you receive from your participation in them. No one is turned away because of their inability to donate.