Course Description

This ground-breaking video collection unpacks Jesus' teachings on the topic of sex . Chapter 4 of A Manual for Holy Relationship discusses exclusively the quotes that Jesus gave us in ACIM on sex and stresses his emphasis that sex in an area that every miracle worker MUST understand. Author Nouk Sanchez methodically places all references to sex in one chapter and unpacks these quotes in line with the principles as shared in The Course. One cannot help but have their entire belief system around this heavily defended topic challenged and transformed. The live discussions that accompany each video replay assist in making these teachings very practical and applicable. We don't know of any other teaching or teacher that has been so willing to honestly look at the topic of sex and examine it under the Light of Jesus' teachings. For those who truly want to awaken from the dream of time and death once and for all, this subject must be looked at directly and honestly questioned in light of the principles in A Course in Miracles. 

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